MM23 image by H. Hardin

More of the STILL Continuing JPFO Rant - There’s been a few negative comments about this, but if you had a father or grandfather that fought in the Pacific during WWII, you may be alive today due to the nuclear bombing of Japan that ended the war in the Pacific. At least 1 million US and up to 4 million Japanese lives were saved when Japan surrendered, negating the anticipated invasion of Japan. My dad was Army Air Force in India and Burma during the war and was being readied for the invasion. His life was likely spared due to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For JFPO to allow revisionists a voice to equate these events with the Nazi Holocaust is disgusting. This rant will stay until JFPO addresses the issue. It’s been many years and haven’t heard from them yet. If you don’t like it, skip it or try out your delete key.

UPDATE On JPFO - Apparently JPFO has fallen apart after the death of Mr. Zellman and other unfortunate events befallen their leadership. They have merged with the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) sometime in 4Q 2014. SAF’s leader, Alan Gottlieb has previously stated his opposition to Class III guns, while barely tolerating semi-automatic weapons. Additionally, Gottlieb supported the Toomey/Manchen universal background check/gun registration bill. Maybe not the best of friends for automatic weapon advocates. I expressed my reservations about the “Japanese genocide” to Alan Korwin of who has joined with SAF/JPFO to promote their alliance and received a big fat no response. I even bought one of his books; how ungrateful!

 JPFO used to be a no-nonsense civil rights organization with special emphasis on the rights of self defense. Unique for a Jewish organization. Then Mr. Zellman passed away and they may have lost their compass. Last October (2011!), one of their correspondents penned an article about government sponsored genocides that included this paragraph:

    I've seen many other programs about the Nazi Holocaust -- or Shoah (the  "Catastrophe") as it's also been called -- and so have you. Along with the Turkish slaughter of the Armenians, the Chinese "Massacre of the Landlords", Stalin's deadly crimes, (I would also include what happened  at Hiroshima and Nagasaki), and the insanity of the Cambodian Killing Fields, the Nazi Holocaust, the principal horror of the 20th century,  was the crowning achievement of untrammeled statism in an age which, not by any means coincidentally, saw the rise of the gigantic super-government.”

Include what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki among the genocides of the 20th Century? We know what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Nuclear bombs were dropped on Japanese cites causing widespread destruction and massive casualties causing the previously reticent Japanese to surrender. Subsequently, the planned invasion of Japan was canceled, saving millions of Japanese and Allied lives. The casualties numbered in the hundreds of thousands. JPFO was way out-of-line to equate those acts of war with the 100s of millions liquidated by their own governments. You be the judge as I still haven’t seen any retraction from JPFO.

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